Chapter 10: Carter Cleaning company The New Pay Plan10-20. Is the company at the point where it should be setting up a formal salary structure based on a complete job evaluation? Why?
Answer the following questions:Chapter 10: Carter Cleaning company The New Pay Plan10-20. Is the company at the point where it should be setting up a formal salary structure based on a complete job evaluation? Why?10-21. Is Jack Carters policy of paying 10% more than the prevailing rates a sound one, and how could that be determined?10-22. Similarly, is Carters malefemale differential wise? If not, why not?10-23. Specifically, what would you suggest Jennifer do now with respect to her companys pay plan?Chapter 11: Carter Cleaning Company The Incentive Plan11-20. Should this plan be extended to pressers in the other stores?11-21. Should other employees (cleaner/spotters, counter people) be put on a similar plan? Why or why not? If so, how, exactly?11-22. Is there another incentive plan you think would work better for the pressers? Describe it.11-23. A store managers job is to keep total wages to no more than 30% of sales and to maintain the fuel bill and the supply bill at about 9% of sales each. Managers can also directly affect sales by ensuring courteous customer service and by ensuring that the work is done properly. What suggestions would you make to Jennifer and her father for an incentive plan for store managers?BOOK TITLE: Fundamental of Human Resources ManagementAUTHOR: Gary DesslerEDITION: 5thISBN:9780136878858PUBLISHER: PearsonPUBLISHED: 2020